The Lean Green Bean

Thursday, November 18, 2010

PB&C Toast


 Today I was standing in the pantry trying to decide what to have for lunch. I had pretty much decided on peanut butter toast, when I looked to my left and saw an open bag of chocolate chips. And I got this crazy idea in my head. I was running late for class and told myself there was no time, but I just couldn't let it go. So here's what I did:

I know....crazy right?!?!?!

Turns out that was far too many chocolate chips. I only used about 1/3 of the melted chocolate....but it was delicious. The chocolate added a little bit of sweet to a healthy snack :)

Poco supervised:

The boys lounged in a weird spot in the yard.

Dinner tonight, since I haven't been to the store forever, was Morningstar Black Bean Burgers. Have you heard of these? Have you tried them? If not, go get some right now. SUPER GOOD and SUPER EASY!

Then I ate a whole sweet fry form....baked fry form....

Good stuff! Weird food day....I blame it on exhaustion. 


Anonymous Carol said...

just so you know...your father in law LOVES morningstar spicy black bean burgers:)!

November 18, 2010 at 9:14 PM  

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